Livestream May 14, 6:30 PM Pacific
We discuss L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige’s delusional plans to make Scientology indispensable to Planet Earth.
Our article on Scientology’s phony social betternment groups— which we discuss in the livestream — discusses those sectors of society L. Ron Hubbard identified as being necessary for Scientology to target and infiltrate in order to make Scientology indispensable.
Even if the notion that Scientology can make itself indispensable makes no sense to the non-Scientologist, it made sense to Hubbard and it makes sense to Scientologists.
The Scientology front groups created to make Scientology indispensable are these:
While appearing to be legitimate organizations, these Scientology front groups are designed for three primary, secret, and undisclosed purposes:
1. To sell Scientology goods and services to government agencies, schools, and other NGO’s. This is done by working to obtain grants and contracts.
2. To develop relationships and connections with officials in government agencies, schools, and other NGO’s. These connections can be used to safepoint Scientology and to infiltrate Scientology into these targeted sectors. These front groups are used to influence decision makers.
3. Recruit new members into Scientology wherever possible.
The secret purpose of Scientology’s front groups is to make Scientology indispensable while also targeting and infiltrating specific social sectors for money, control, and surveillance.
This secret purpose is rooted in one of L. Ron Hubbard’s stated goals for the Church of Scientology. which is “to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology.” — HCO PL 15 Aug 1960, “Department of Governmental Affairs”:
In the face of danger from government or courts, there are only two errors one can make: (a) do nothing and (b) defend. The right things to do with any threat are to (1) find out if we want to play the offered game or not (2) if not, to derail the offered game with a feint or attack upon the most vulnerable point which can be disclosed in the enemy ranks (3) make enough threat or clamor to cause the enemy to quail (4) don’t try to get any money out of it (5) make every attack by us also sell Scientology and (6) win. If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Peace is bought with an exchange of advantage, so make the advantage and then settle. Don’t ever defend. Always attack. Don’t ever do nothing. Unexpected attacks in the rear of the enemy’s front ranks work best.
The goal of the department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high-level ability to control and in its absence by low-level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins.
To the extent Scientology can infiltrate itself into government agencies via its social betterment groups, it can attempt to influence these agencies in order to achieve Hubbard’s goals of bringing governments under Scientology’s control.
If this sounds incredible, one must remember that Scientology is fanatical and attempts everyday to use its billions of dollars and thousands of Sea Org members to achieve these goals. These goals are an absolute reality to Scientologists and staggering amounts of cash and labor are expended each year to work towards these goals.
A brief explanation of Scientology’s front groups:
1. The Way to Happiness – TWTH is Scientology’s version of a nonreligious and universal moral code which, if followed, will bring happiness. TWTH is printed in small pamphlets and books and distributed for Scientology’s PR purposes.
TWTH is a collection of Hubbard’s bland nostrums borrowed from other sources. TWTH, for example, admonishes readers to brush their teeth; this although Hubbard himself was a complete stranger to the toothbrush and toothpaste:
2. Applied Scholastics – This front group uses Hubbard’s strange pedagogy to teach students to “learn how to learn.” These techniques include the use of “clay demos” to create small clay representations of real world situations in order to give students “mass and significance” on a subject. Small labels are attached to these small clay representations. Below we see a cumbersome example from a Scientology website of a “clay demo” which shows how a film camera works:
We contrast the difficult-to-understand Scientology film camera clay demo with a simple CUNY illustration:
4. Narconon – Hubbard’s dangerous and pseudoscientific drug treatment which uses megadoses of niacin. There have been numerous deaths in Narconon. Narconon centers often uses misleading names so that families in crisis do not even know they are calling a Scientology-owned facility.
5. The Truth About Drugs Education Campaign – This program prints and distributes small pamphlets and targets police departments and school districts. These booklets allow police departments and school districts to check the “drug education program” box. In turn, Scientology gets free PR photos of police officers and educators holding Scientology’s pamphlets.
6. United for Human Rights – There are no human rights in Scientology whatsoever. United for Human Rights preaches human rights and is nothing more than a cynical and deceptive front group. The reality is that all Scientologists are made to sign four contracts which strip them of all of their civil and legal rights against Scientology. Among other unconscionable terms, Scientologists are forced into secret binding arbitration even if they make allegations of sexual assaults. Scientology’s arbitration clause is being challenged in courts. Youth for Human Rights is a part of the United for Human Rights front group.
7. Citizens Commission for Human Rights (CCHR) – The stated goal of CCHR is to annihilate Psychiatry, Psychology, and all other forms of mental health. L. Ron Hubbard wanted to create a monopoly on global mental health. Hubbard stated that Scientology had all the solutions to mental health and was the only true and effective form of treatment.
8. Freedom Magazine – This is an in-house Scientology magazine which is used to both promote Scientology’s message and attack its enemies.
9. The Scientology Volunteer Ministers – the VM’s are ambulance-chasing Scientologists who show up at the scenes of natural and manmade disasters and mass shootings and treat them as photo ops. This is utterly cynical and the VM’s have been exposed as craven vultures. However, Scientology keeps doing it under Hubbard’s logic that if Scientology can fool part of the people part of the time then this is a good thing.
The PDF used the livestream in which Scientology repeatedly states that its goal is to establish the “indispensability” of Scientology: